Monday, January 10, 2011

paleo recipes: almond seared chicken and roasted butternut squash

last week i was craving some crispy, breaded chicken. in fact, i spent most of my afternoon lamenting how i couldn't have it and oh my god i was going to miss it and wah wah (sad trumpet). until i realized something:

they make almond flour. i can eat almonds! so after work i happily headed off to Wegmans where i located the almond flour in the organic section, felt raped when i paid 10 dollars for a pound of it, and then set off for home intent on cooking an awesome meal.

i crusted the chicken, seared it up in a pan with oil and hoped for the best. i plated it and fed it to my husband who said "it's not my favorite, but i'd eat it again" (pretty much a ringing endorsement for anything he finds "healthy"), so i guess its a keeper.

the ingredients: (note: i am not much of a measurer, so YMMV)
chicken breasts (about 3/4 lb)
1-2 eggs, beaten
almond flour
extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), or other cooking fat

the method: 
rinse chicken under cold water and pat dry.
beat the eggs in a small bowl, and pour some almond flour onto a plate.
coat chicken with egg and press into almond flour to coat (the almond flour will likely cake in spots, don't be too worried about consistent coverage).
heat up your skillet and pour in the EVOO to coat the bottom.
sear chicken on each side for 4 minutes, or until the coating begins to brown.
plate and serve.

the notes: 
next time i make this, i'll do a few things differently: pound the chicken breasts a little flatter. prior to searing the chicken, i'd saute some mushrooms and onions to put on top of the finished product and deglaze the pan with an approved broth/stock. 

i served this with a side of roasted butternut squash (peel, cube, mix with EVOO, salt, pepper, garlic; oven for 30 mins at 350; stir partway through) and steamed broccoli. for the husband i made up some mashed potatoes (he's not interested in paleo).

as always, this made enough for two dinners, and my lunch for the next day.

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